Who: Rebecca Kennedy “RK” & Mahina Adventures
What: RKsolid Retreat: 7 Day fitness retreat
When April 15-22
Where Oahu, Hawaii
Why: Stay fit & healthy while traveling, exploring the island and seeking adventures every day… from hiking the stairway to heaven to surfing, climbing waterfalls and eating he freshest pokè … we will soak in all that Hawaii has to offer! (PS – we don’t forget to enjoy the Hawaiian sunshine & cocktails)
There are only 10 spots available!

A.C.C.E.S.S. is New York’s first active recovery class. It’s a 60 minute barefoot class for all levels focusing on mobility, core strength, flexibility and functional movement patterns.
This is perfect for the body that needs a “day off”, a “new start”, or “a double workout.” At the end of a long day of sitting, there is nothing more satisfying than moving your body in a progressional way.
In class we’ll open up the hips, lower back, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, back, and most importantly get your abs firing to support all this great movement. If functional training, yoga, pilates and gymnastics had a baby…. we’d name her A.C.C.E.S.S.
YG Studios • 33 west 17th ST • Saturday 11am

SOLID is where mobility meets High Intensity Interval Training.
- 20-30 minutes of focused barefoot mobility work
(upper lower body or full body) - 30-40 minutes of strength and conditioning training
(upper lower or full body)
RK’s first program, A.C.C.E.S.S., NYC’s first active recovery class, is now uniquely combined with a daily strength and conditioning program that will change your body and your life.
Finally, there is a class that carefully prepares you for work and prevents injury so you can get the most out of your workout. SOLID uses several modalities during both A.C.C.E.S.S. active recovery section as well as HIIT section in order to maximize time and efforts. This is more than a stretch class, this NEW program takes you into a well thought out map of movement from beginning to end and leaves you feeling stretched, stacked, sweaty stronger and SOLID*,
Need to stretch but Love to sweat? This workout is for you.
*This class is taken from The SOLID 6, a 6 week personalized semi-private training challenge designed to promote fat loss, weight loss and get you lean and strong!

The Solid 6 is a 6 week personalized semi-private training challenge designed get you lean & strong! This challenge is designed for those who want to see a change in their body, fast.
If you’re looking to lose weight, decrease your body fat, jumpstart a new routine, increase your strength, increase your cardio conditioning, lower your BMI, prepare for a race or event, or switch up your current fitness program, THIS IS THE CHALLENGE FOR YOU.
6 weeks is plenty of time to make a big change, but we highly recommend continuing with the challenge every cycle to continue to set new goals and see more progress. Each cycle has a 1-2 week downtime between to allow you to work on your own and continue practicing what you’ve learned before we start a new cycle.
During the 6 weeks we work through different phases of training to increase lean body mass (or maintain) and burn fat. You’ll learn body and spatial awareness, develop core strength, improve your posture and form during all movement, increase strength and power all while managing a “diet” that is completely reasonable.
The results are undeniable, you’re going to love this program.
- 6 weeks semi-private training
- 18 sessions with RK / RKsolid Trainer (30 minutes ACCESS + 30 minutes HIIT = SOLID)
- one one one coaching with RK / RKsolid Trainer
- Personalized Nutrition Guidelines, designed by RK + Registered Dietician
- 3 InBody Scans (body fat percentage, weight, lean body mass, BMI)
- Professional Before & After Photos
- Daily videos
- Recipes
- Weekly Exercise Programming
- Goal Setting